
We bought a new car last night. Well, that’s not exactly accurate: the bank bought a new car last night and we are driving it and paying the bank back. So, yet another loan but now we have two reliable cars! We had been talking about getting a new car for awhile because the Jeep was becoming more and more unreliable. Then, as Matt drove up into the driveway last night from his commute home from work, blue smoke started to rise from the Jeep’s engine and it had been making the most horrible clanking sound for the past week. So we were going to have to drop another load of money to get it fixed again. And I just didn’t want to do that. That’s a lot of money every six to nine months to keep a car going that is not reliable or comfortable.

So, we worked out the numbers, and it costs approximately fifty dollars more each month to get a new car over what we were paying to keep the Jeep going, how much the Jeep costs in gas (the Jeep had terrible gas mileage) and the small lien we were paying off on the Jeep. So Matt drove to work in a beautiful Mazda 3 this morning. It really is a nice car. I’m a wee bit jealous, and I don’t hardly ever get jealous. It’s just such a nice car and such a nice ride. 🙂

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