By: Angel | Discussion (0)

I haven’t written anything for awhile. I’ve been working on the Wizard Moon site. Anybody who cares to see my work, check out:
It has been a LOT of work. Doing the design, drawing the little characters and then coloring them. Matt has done so much. None of my stuff would look half as good if it wasn’t for his input and actual work.

But now I’ve hit a stumbling block. I have no mentor, no money and no inventory. I was focused on design, but now that the basic design is laid out, my next focus is content… content…. that’s really hard. I think I need to start by drafting a cohesive idea. Carla and I had the idea that we wanted it to be entertaining as well as a store. But seamlessly combining those two is turning out to be harder than I originally thought. Every time I think of an idea, all I can see is how the average surfer would get lost. This part is harder than the design and drawing.

I’ve become the planting fiend. I think I’m nesting, but that has resulted in over 100 plants. I planted them from seed so they may not all come up. But the Chamomile, Evening Scented Stocks, and tomatoes have all sprouted. I planted way too many tomato plants. I think I’m going to have to give some away. But I feel the same towards the plants that I feel towards animals– I don’t want to give them to someone who will just let them die. And, like animals, plants require attention, water and food. You can’t just put them on the porch and expect them to live. So what good plant parent could use tomato plants? And they’re so adorable. They’re little heads just came above the soil and said “Hi!”

I don’t know why they give you so many seeds in a packet. This is how the whole fiasco of more than 100 plants started. I have all these seeds so I planted them. And I still have a ton left over. I even planted a bunch of seeds for Donna and I still have a ton left over. I think it’s safer to just buy seedlings– then you are not sucked into the too many seeds problem.

Matt and I are talking about buying a house, and one of the reasons I want to live in Bastrop, besides that it is so pretty, is that the soil is more condusive for gardens. I want a garden– a garden that I can stroll through and sit in. I’ve always liked plants, and now that I’m married, so many latent hobbies are surfacing. Marriage provides such a stable foundation that you can do so much more. Marriage rocks.
