Daddy and Lily sleeping in on Labor Day (this picture was taken at 9:40am)
04 September 2006
I love Labor Day. There is something really pleasant about sleeping in on what would normally be a work day.
Matt, Lily and I have been having a decadent weekend. Our weekend has been full of video games, eating out, and hobbies. We’ve abused caffeine and stayed up every night until midnight and slept in every morning. It’s been wonderful.
But the house is a wreck — a grade-A, first-class wreck — because we’ve spent all of our time doing fun stuff and completely ignored the cleaning. I want to take an hour or two tonight and clean it as our decadent Labor Day weekend draws to a close.
I forgot to mention that I have given up sugar again. Yesterday was Day #1 with no sugar. So today is Day #2. We’ll see how long I can make it this time. I swear, giving up sugar is like giving up heroin — at least for someone whose body reacts to sugar like mine does.
I made two New Year Promises for 2006: 1) get off the dope (sugar), and 2) write a book. I’ve got four months left. And I really want to complete these so I can do something fun and new in 2007. Of course, I’ll have a newborn baby and a toddler in 2007 so a lot may not get accomplished that year, other than raising children. 🙂
(I’ve been categorizing my posts. It may be weird to say this, but it’s actually fun to categorize your posts. But I also love office supplies and lists, so I think that says a little bit about my personality.)
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