
Lani and the children playing in the back garden…
playing in the dirt to be exact. When they came in,
there was dirt in their hair, dirt all over their clothes,
and dirt in their diapers.
04 March 2008

We bought a silver Toyota RAV4 Limited with V6 engine and the third row seating.  And I love it!  Like a vegetarian who craves bacon, I dreamed of a Toyota Prius or Hybrid Honda Civic or experimental electric/ethanol hybrid with high-speed Wi-Fi connection…. until I test-drove the RAV4.  Then I ate the bacon.  And it was good.

The RAV4, being a small SUV, gets decent gas mileage, about the same as my Mazda Protege actually.  Sure, not the greenest car in the world, but I don’t feel like I’ve completely gone over to the dark side. 

Here she is.  She doesn’t have a name yet.

05 March 2008

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