Matt and Lily in the playhouse.
Matt is actually asleep in this photo.
11 April 2008
Recently in my never-ending search for the mythical fool-proof organizational system, I found the FlyLady site. It’s a lovely site full of affirmation and hope. I am definitely going to try this system.
But the FlyLady’s system is not what this blog entry is about. This blog entry is about an anonymous letter sent to the FlyLady. First, I must explain that in her system, you begin simply by making your sink shine everyday. She said, even if your entire house is a mess, if your sink is shiny, you feel hope. And from that small shiny sink, the cleanliness will spread. As I continued to surf her site, I found this testimonial. It is very moving. And short.  So go read it real quick and come back.  I’ll wait.
It seems to me that shining the sink and making the bed were starting points. From these two measurable beginnings, you slowly progressed. And if you had a bad day, you always had a reset point: shining the sink and making the bed.
I don’t have a habitual reset point. But if today was the first day — if today was my beginning — where would I start? Would it be shining the sink? What small task would I repeat every day, even if I managed to get nothing else done? It’s fun — and exciting — to make a beginning. Turning it into habit… well, that’s another matter. 😉
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