The children watching Toy Story 2 together.
03 August 2008
Matt and I watched Crazy Sexy Cancer the other day. When I first heard about it, my mom and I were picking films to watch together, and I told my mom that I wanted her to watch this one with me, and she said, “I don’t want to watch a documentary about a woman who has cancer!” implying that the subject matter may be a bit on the depressing side. And I said, “It’s a documentary about a woman who chooses to take her health into her own hands and learns to live with a chronic disease. One of your children [Carla] has a chronic disease [Type II diabetes] that she must learn to live with.”
The movie that my mom chose for us to watch together was Miss Potter in which the love interest dies. After he died, I turned to Mom and said, “He dies?! You are definitely watching Crazy Sexy Cancer with me now! At least in my movie she doesn’t die.” But, unfortunately, we didn’t get Crazy Sexy Cancer in the mail from Netflix before my mom had to return to Kentucky, so I have yet to share this documentary with her.
But, anyways, back to the main thread of the post. Matt and I really enjoyed the documentary. Being about cancer and involving real people, there were definitely parts that really pulled at your heart, but overall it is an uplifting documentary about health, and by the end of the movie, Kris Carr is this vibrant, beautiful, healthy woman — an amazing flower that has opened up to the sun.
We watched a few of the extras on the DVD, and Matt and I both noticed, independently of each other, how healthy she looked.  She was just… vibrant. She was beautiful in a way that you never see in supermodels because the foundation of her beauty was health, not cosmetics and a thin body. She is far healthier than both Matt and I, who do not have cancer, and that was a real eye-opener for both of us.
So now Matt and I have a standard set for the kind of health we would like to achieve in our life. If we could look as amazing and vibrant and beautiful as Kris Carr, then we’ll know we have achieved a healthy lifestyle.