
Lily being her normal fabulous self.
08 April 2007

Have you ever had an idea that demands attention?  An idea that keeps nudging you and pestering you?  An idea that desperately wants to be released into the world to begin its own life?

That’s what has been going on for the past week or so with me.  The idea of creating a podcast of romance stories has been constantly in my head, constantly reminding me.

I want to do it soon.  I can contain desires for only so long.  Sewing, writing, creating a podcast –  feeling creation.  Creating is cathartic and fun.  And I miss it… very much.

Somehow I have to create a podcast of romance stories and sew and raise two small children and keep a house.  Not an easy task, and certainly not one that I have figured out how to accomplish yet.  But I have hope.  I always have hope.

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