
So, my husband makes enough money for the two of us right now, so I don’t have to diligently look for a job. I’ve been looking at the Univ of Texas as I would really like to work there. I haven’t found anything yet.

So the days melt together and time passes and I feel like I’m wasting my life. I should be writing and drawing since I have the opportunity, but I feel sluggish. I’m trying to figure out how to kick this. I now understand why independently wealthy people who don’t work are so morose. Life without purpose is no life.

And I really enjoy reading my friend’s journal. It’s such a strange way to keep in touch, but very effective and enjoyable. Bizarre, eh? Everything has changed so much since I was 20, and I don’t know if it’s because I grew up or because the internet has become so ubiquitous in my life. It’s become my primary form of communication with the outside world, and yet its so anonymous. Weird shit.

I’m going to post the next installment of my story.

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