
I’m trying to clean up my email. I have 1415 items in my inbox and 585 items in my Sent Items. I don’t like to throw away email because I view it as a record of my life. I throw away the spam and the useless stuff, but I keep the personal correspondence.

I’m trying to clean up my house. My toys are not properly boxed. They are getting bent and broken as they lay in a heap in the closet. My personal memorabalia is also slowly getting destroyed from not being properly stored. And I’m living in a mess.

And I want to be a Jedi knight! No, Master Yoda, I’m not too old to start the training! I think 33-years-old is actually the optimum age. Oh wait, that was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, not in this reality.

Oh what a discouraging mess. How do organized people manage to stay organized? I think they are just pretending. You can’t be organized in this life. There are too many things going on. They are just presenting a front.

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