Hmmm… another night of insomnia. Maybe it’s not insomnia– maybe by this point I have shifted my internal clock and sleep schedule by a few hours.
Who are blogs and online journals written for? Who is the audience? Is it like a prayer to God spoken aloud to no one? “Dear Lord, please notice me.” It’s public and yet not so because no one sees it buried in the deep clutter of the internet.
Quiet. shhhhhh…. I’m the one waltzing on the head of a pin… as tiny as dew on a spiderweb.
I’m feeling pretty good tonight… almost unique and special and different. Tonight, I don’t feel like one among the masses; I actually feel like I stand out, even if it’s only to myself.
Go figure.
I really need to get some sleep. I have so much to do tomorrow. Nitey nite.
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