
My computer died last week, and I miss it terribly. Since we have two dogs and a cat, the inside was covered in fur and dust. Matt cleaned out all the computers, including taking the heatsink off of the processor and cleaning the heatsink (it was really nasty). We didn’t have any of that heatsink thermal bonding stuff, but we thought “What the heck! Let’s take it apart and put it back together without that and see what happens.”

And my computer was unhappy about the whole thing and will now not even reboot. We went to Fry’s two days ago before work to buy the thermal bonding stuff, but Matt hasn’t had time to fix our computers yet. He hasn’t turned on his computer because he’s worried the same thing will happen. He wants to wait until he puts the bonding stuff between the heatsink and the processor before he tries his computer.

On the up side, he said if I fried my processor from turning on the computer without the heatsink working, then I have to get a new processor and motherboard! That’ll be fun. I told him that if I get a new processor and motherboard, then he has to too. We have matching his and hers computers and it’s kind of fun. So we have to keep the same processor and motherboard in each one. So we may be getting an upgrade soon. Of course, he wants to upgrade the processor and motherboard in the computers sometime this year anyway, whether my computer can be fixed or not. He just wasn’t planning on upgrading them right now.

What a boring entry. Nothing funny, nothing emotional, nothing exciting. Just boring computer talk.

I do miss my computer though. I’m using the server to check my email, but it doesn’t have any of my stuff on it.

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